Monday, August 8, 2011

Heat Stroke

It’s very unfortunate that Texas is facing one of the worst budget crisis and droughts at the same time. This crazy weather is drying up our lakes, rivers, and water reservoirs all over the state. At the same time, the Texas government doesn’t currently have the financial resources to face the blazing drought due to the budget deficit the state is currently in. The author of OneStar has an interesting idea stating that Texas government needs to produce an adequate ‘A/C system’ for all Texans. However, an adequate ‘A/C system’ is not the answer to reducing the number of heat waves incidents in Texas. Heat waves isn’t even this biggest problems caused by the heat. The recent stroke of heat has caused a large decrease in the water supply of Texas. As a fellow Texan, I’ve taken this precious resource for granted and forgot how limited it can be. If this drought continues and become cyclical, then Texas should be focusing legislation on conserving water. Unfortunately, Texas cannot achieve this right now because the government is cutting spending from almost every program across the state. All we can do is hope that the budget crisis is only temporary and we can focus some attention to water conservation. Having a ‘decent A/C’ system is not the right course for legislation. Conserving our waters is the right course of action because it will keep people cool and most importantly, dehydrated.

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